Local Workshops (Northern Colorado)

Dream Meaning Workshop

~ interpreting the language of our soul ~


Join us for learning and fun with dream translation of your own dreams!

Dreams are a privileged unveiling of the unconscious, the language of our Soul as messenger of Spirit.  In this popular Dream Workshop we will dive right into participants’ dreams after a brief introduction.

Discover the personal and collective meaning in this language and learn how dreams serve to balance and heal relationships, personal and work problems and health challenges.

Through dream translation you will experience…

•Why we dream and how dreams serve us

•The relationship between dreams and Psyche, Soul, Self, Shadow

•How dreams help to heal us

•Changing states of consciousness to engage your inner dream interpreter

•Elements of dream interpretation

•Live "hands-on" dreamwork with your own dreams

•Expanded awareness of what your Soul is seeking

No prior dreamwork experience necessary

Attendance limited to 10 so that we may work with each participants’ dream offering

Date: Sunday, September 15, 2024 from 12:30pm to 3:00pm

Location:  Sunroom Studio at SourcePoint Community Acupuncture, 317 N. Meldrum Avenue, Fort Collins, CO 80521

Workshop fee: $40.00 payable here

Question to: Jon@jonmcintosh.com or 970.292.6820

Click here for Registration and Payment! or scan this QR code...

Previous Workshops not currently scheduled…

enHeartenment – an Introduction


This workshop is an introduction to enHeartenment as an engagement, embrace, honoring and redemption of all experiences of life and living as guided by heart-centered consciousness.

Foundational to this practice is the awareness and acceptance that we are present in this earth laboratory as an opportunity to evolve all that has distracted us from being Unconditional Love, to heal the pain and suffering we experience from our own individual alienation from Soul as often encountered in neuroses, anxiety, depression, frustration, apathy and adjustment disorders as well physical health challenges, crises and so-called “accidents”.

From querying without judgment, “how does this serve my soul?” we begin the exploration of who and what we are in human form as an embodied soul, as messenger of spirit. Shadow work, the unveiling of karmic patterns and past lives in addition to working with subconscious selves are essential parts of this practice.

As we open and expand our Heart Center without judgment we begin to become aware of, to see and greet a very different life than our earlier programming may have provided. This offers us a life of authentic meaning and joy which transcends the day-to-day pursuit of relief from pain and suffering, from identifying with comfort and happiness, in order to live our lives in service to that which our soul seeks.

Shadow Work Workshop


This workshop offers an opportunity to gain insight into the unconscious by identifying individual and collective patterns of life and living which reflect what lies beneath our surface consciousness. When intending to initiate and sustain the healing of mind, body, soul and spirit we engage shadow work to become aware of these patterns, learning how they serve and redeeming their meaning in our lives.

Our personal shadow represents the repressed layer of our personal unconscious. All that we deny, fear, or dislike/hate in ourselves (and others!) collects in the shadow and often manifests in relationship issues, dreams, accidents, crises and psychological and physical health challenges.

There is no wholeness of being without doing shadow work. Yet it is one of the most difficult journeys to undertake because our ego is oftentimes relentless in its desire to maintain power in our lives at the substantial cost of alienation from our own soul.

Shadow work requires courage as we come face-to-face with the less ego enhancing attributes of ourselves. Come join us!

(No prior shadow work experience necessary)

Depth consciousness work in small groups, including shadow work and dreamwork, offers the opportunity to not only receive guidance for personal material but to also experience profound learning through equivalency…the recognition of similar or same pattern while in a witness state. We honor and invite forces well beyond our awareness which constellate both the makeup of the group’s participants and the material that is explored.

A Radiance of Love,
Jon and Angela
jonmcintosh.com – lavanyahealing.com

Cooked to Order Workshop


In this workshop we seek to offer heart-centered guidance through consciousness and shadow work, insight, revelation, discussion, channeled material, subconscious selves, intuition, dreamwork, ritual, I Ching, Tarot and somatic transmission for whatever is requested by participants in alignment with the highest good of each individual.  This is an opportunity to go deep, to explore less known and even forbidden territory, to request guidance from Soul.

But exactly what will it look like?

Well…what wants to happen when we gather?  This state of consciousness allows for the presence of Guidance beyond what we think we should offer. The workshop will be created in the moment by all who attend. All questions, comments and sharing is welcome.

Depth consciousness work in small groups offers the opportunity to not only receive guidance for personal material but to also experience profound learning through equivalency…the recognition of similar or same pattern while in a witness state. We honor and invite forces well beyond our awareness which constellate both the makeup of the group’s participants and the material that is explored.

Deepening Into Your Dreams – A Two-Part Event


(For this two-part event we will work with participants’ dreams during Part 1 on April 16thand then revisit those same dreams during Part 2 on May 7th)

Many of us know the benefits of working with our dreams. Yet oftentimes my workshops are one-time events which don’t allow for a deeper dive, for an expansion of dream interpretation and meaning. Having participated in and facilitated ongoing dream groups, there is value to dream percolation, allowing our dreams to work us over time and revisiting the expanded meaning of our dreams. That is the intention of this two-part event, to work with our dreams on April 16th from 1:00pm to 3:30pm then allow them time to live through us, revisiting and deepening with them on May 7th from 1:00pm to 3:30pm.

You will learn and experience…
• Why we dream and how dreams serve us
• The relationship between dreams and Psyche, Soul, Self, Shadow
• How dreams help to heal us
• Elements of dream interpretation
• Live “hands-on” dreamwork with your own dreams
• Changing states of consciousness to engage your inner dream interpreter
• Expanded awareness of who and what You are

No dreamwork experience necessary.
Attendance limited to 10 so we can work with each participant’s dream offering

Jon McIntosh is a teacher and guide of heart-centered transformation, shadow work, healing, spiritual awakening and discovery of the authentic Self. Individual sessions are available for those who are called to this life renovating work.

For more than two decades Jon trained in Dreamwork, Consciousness and Healing Work with W. Brugh Joy, MD continuing this work the past 14 years. He also participated in the Dream Patterning Program offered by the Jungian Analyst Michael Conforti, PhD through his Assisi Institute. Additionally, Jon was an analysand of J. Marvin Spiegelman PhD a Jungian Analyst and Author who attended the Jung Institute in Zurich Switzerland and was a student of Marie-Louise Von Franz PhD.

Angela Haugen is a Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner and Holistic Wellness Practitioner who actively engages dreamwork in her healing as a analysand with an IAAP Jungian Analyst.  970.238.0477 or angela@lavanyahealing.com

No prerequisite is required. Comfortable clothing, a notebook/journal and an open heart recommended. Floor seating (no shoes) with cushions/pillows is available as well as some chair seating but feel free to bring your own yoga mat if you prefer.

Questions? Call me at 970-292-6820 or jon@jonmcintosh.com

Dream Workshop – The Meaning of Your Dreams!


Join us for some fun and learning with dream translation of your very own dreams!

Dreams are a privileged unveiling of the unconscious, the language of our Soul as messenger of Spirit. In this Dream Workshop we will dive right into participants’ dreams after a brief introduction.

Discover the meaning in this language and learn how dreams serve to balance and heal relationships, personal and work problems and health challenges.

You will learn…
•Why we dream and how dreams serve us
•The relationship between dreams and Psyche, Soul, Self, Shadow
•How dreams help to heal us
•Elements of dream interpretation

You will experience…
•Live “hands-on” dreamwork with your own dreams
•Changing states of consciousness to engage your inner dream interpreter
•Expanded awareness of who and what You are thru dreamwork

No dreamwork experience necessary.
Attendance limited to 10 so we can work with each participant’s dream offering

Vulnerability: A State of Grace


“Vulnerability is a primary spiritual path few choose to explore”

A common response to the idea of vulnerability is to diminish, defend, deny… in order to not feel powerless in the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

Many of us live our entire lives in this way: making comparisons and judgments with ourselves and others, deflecting what feels threatening – and ultimately alienating ourselves from what our soul intends for us to learn.

We will explore together the ego’s relationship to vulnerability (small “v”) versus a soulful engagement with Vulnerability (capital “V”) which can initiate us into levels of experience that promise the rewards of profound healing and expanded spiritual awareness.

This workshop will cover how to better understand and navigate vulnerability and the challenges of:
• Defenses
• Limiting Beliefs
• Boundaries

Our time will also include thoughtful discussion of how to have a more conscious relationship with Vulnerability and how to practically engage:
• Invocation of Grace
• Sensitivity in Communications
• Authenticity in Relationships

Guided meditation will be offered as a valuable contribution to this process.

Shadow Work Laboratory


This workshop offers an opportunity to gain insight into the unconscious by identifying individual and collective patterns of life and living which reflect what lies beneath our surface consciousness. When intending to initiate and sustain the healing of mind, body, soul and spirit we engage shadow work to become aware of these patterns, learning how they serve and redeeming their meaning in our lives.

Our personal shadow represents the repressed layer of our personal unconscious. All that we deny, fear, or dislike/hate in ourselves (and others!) collects in the shadow and often manifests in relationship issues, dreams, accidents, crises and psychological and physical health challenges.

There is no wholeness of being without doing shadow work. Yet it is one of the most difficult journeys to undertake because our ego is oftentimes relentless in its desire to maintain power in our lives at the substantial cost of alienation from our own soul.

Shadow work requires courage as we come face-to-face with the less ego enhancing attributes of ourselves. Come join us for some revealing fun!

Dream Meaning Laboratory


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung MD

And dreams, as a privileged unveiling of our soul, offer a unique and profound opportunity to make the unconscious conscious.

This workshop is an opportunity to gain insight into the meaning of your own personal dreams using soul pattern work, image symbology and intuitive guidance. We will work with actual dreams shared by those who attend.

And though attendees may find the February 1st workshop entitled “Adventures in Consciousness: Dreams – The Language of Our Soul” helpful to learning about where dreams come from and how they serve it is not a requirement in order to attend this practicum workshop.

You will experience…
•Changing states of consciousness to engage and develop your inner dream interpreter
•Opening to dream work, interpretation, translation engaging archetypal and personal approaches.
•Live “hands-on” dream work with your own dreams

This Dream Meaning Laboratory is for those who would like to learn how to interpret their own dreams and how dreams help us heal. We will experience working with participants’ dreams so please bring your dream journal if you have one.

No prior dreamwork experience necessary. Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended. (This is not a lucid dreaming workshop).

When: Saturday, May 14, 2022 from 9:00am to 11:30pm

Where: SourcePoint Community Acupuncture Sunroom Studio, 317 N. Meldrum Street, Fort Collins, CO 80521

Space is limited to 12 total participants.

For over 30 years, Jon trained in Dreamwork, Consciousness and Healing Work with W. Brugh Joy, MD, participated in the Dream Patterning Program offered by the Jungian Analyst Michael Conforti PhD through his Assisi Institute and was an analysand of J. Marvin Spiegelman PhD, a Jungian Analyst and Author, who attended the Jung Institute in Zurich during Carl Jung’s last years.

No prerequisite is required. Comfortable clothing, a notebook/journal and an open heart recommended. Floor seating (no shoes) with cushions/pillows is available but feel free to bring your own.

Questions? Call me at 970-292-6820 or jon@jonmcintosh.com

Healing from the Heart Center – Embracing Your Life’s Challenges


Now more than ever is the time to open to healing deeply from the Heart Center. Learn how all life challenges and crises provide an initiation into the opportunity for healing.

An awakened Heart Center is an essential component of authentic healing which invites full engagement of body, mind, soul and spirit. The Heart Center is inclusive and integrative. It makes no comparisons, no judgments and requires no performance or competency. It is the ultimate expression of Unconditional Love and allows us to occupy our Soul and live our Lives in extraordinary ways. An awakened Heart Center is the doorway to our true Self which always answers questions of meaning and purpose.

The Heart Center is the Ultimate Healer…
•Learn how to more fully open your Heart Center and enter Presence, the real Power of Now
•Learn how an awakened Heart Center is essential for authentic healing to wholeness
•Learn about and experience Heart Center Meditation and its attributes of Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love
•Learn and experience how to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate Life’s most difficult challenges.

This approach to the Heart Center was originated by W. Brugh Joy MD, Mystic, Healer, Teacher and Author in the mid-1970’s. An awakened Heart Center is a portal through the personal ego to direct connection with the Divine. From this state of consciousness, we are resourced to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate all of what Life offers to us, including its most difficult challenges.

In this workshop we will also learn and practice the Heart Center Meditation and to commune with the feeling state experiences of each of the four attributes of the Heart Center…Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love and their individual meaning and expression in our lives.

We will have time to address individual health challenges, conflicts, blockages, etc. and how to engage and redeem them with a Heart Centered approach.

An awakened Heart Center is the initiation for many on the path of authentic healing of body, mind, sound and spirit. Come join us for this special opportunity to connect deeply with your Self and Soul!

Questions to Jon McIntosh at jon@jonmcintosh.com or 970.292.6820.

When: Saturday, April 16, 2022 from 9:00am to 11:30am

Where: SourcePoint Community Acupuncture Sunroom Studio, 317 N. Meldrum Street, Fort Collins, CO 80521

No prerequisite is required. Comfortable clothing, a notebook/journal and an open heart recommended. Floor seating (no shoes) with cushions/pillows is available but feel free to bring your own.

Soul Lab Saturday – How Life Offers Exactly What We Need to Heal

Soul Lab

From relationship, work and health challenges to accidents, trauma, crises, pain and suffering, Life offers these initiations as opportunities to live in alignment with our soul’s intention, to heal to wholeness. We often miss opportunities for redemption and healing because we just don’t see that everything in our lives happens for us and not just to us. Our ego, instead of serving the unfoldment of the Mystery of Life, becomes primary, often in very subtle ways. In that state of consciousness we remain unaware that we are living in jails of our own making, doing our best to relieve the pain of alienation from the soul by all sorts of compensatory and even entertaining behaviors.

Often we live a provisional life distracted by the spectacular light of surface consciousness. Yet that’s exactly why we are here on earth…to experience both these prescribed dissonances and the opportunities to consciously move past our conditioned responses and the misappropriations of power by the ego to live free, to live in at-onement with our Soul as messenger of Spirit.

Please join us as we explore…
– How everything that happens to us as part of our soul contract.
– Past life experiences and how they inform current life.
– Understanding the subconscious Basic Male Self and Basic Female Self and how they guide relationship in waking state reality.
– Calling upon the High Self for guidance and connection to others.
– Dreams as language of the Soul and how our psyche uses symbol to seek balance.
– How development of the Heart Center and Unconditional Love is essential to live a life of peace beyond all understanding.
– The importance of learning how to change states of consciousness.
– Meditation. Breathwork. Astrology. The Oracles – Tarot, I Ching, Runes.
– Entheogens e.g. Ayuhuasca and Psilocybin.
– How Shadow Work re-members us to our unconscious selves.
– Why we pause-center-shift and ask “how does this serve?”
…and a whole lot more!

Though there is certainly more content here than time permits we will be open for questions throughout as I trust in guidance of the moment. This includes the opportunity to share individual experiences and have an opportunity for all of us to gain insight, revelation and connection with deeper aspects of Self and Soul.

No prerequisite is required. Comfortable clothing, a notebook/journal and an open heart recommended. Floor seating (no shoes) with cushions/pillows is available but feel free to bring your own.

Adventures in Consciousness: Living Our Soul’s Purpose


Let’s journey together into a deeper understanding of Life and how our personal challenges and woundings provide opportunities for profound transformation and living your soul’s purpose.

We will learn how aspects of personal defenses, acute and chronic illness, accidents, instinctual energies, job challenges and loss, personal problems and relationship challenges serve the unfoldment of our soul and provide opportunities for authentic healing.

We will explore doorways to the soul such as Heart Center meditation, biofeedback, intuitive guidance, oracles (Tarot, I Ching) and shifting states of consciousness to gain perspective and understanding.

We will introduce the four attributes of the Heart Center as an essential gateway into engaging deeper material, dreamwork as a privileged unveiling of the psyche, shadow work as necessary for the path to wholeness and humor as a way to enjoy all of it!

Adventures in Consciousness: Dreams – The Language of Our Soul


“Jon’s Dream Workshop was amazing. I learned more than any of the dream books I had read. Highly recommended!” – Janelle W.

“Wow. What an awesome experience of connecting with my Soul. I had no idea dreams carried so much valuable information” – Marianne D.

The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends. – Carl Jung, MD

Dreams are a privileged unveiling of our unconscious Self and the language of our Soul as messenger of Spirit. Discover the meaning in this language and learn how dreams serve to balance and heal relationships, personal and work problems and health challenges and more.

You will learn…
•Why we dream and how dreams serve us
•The relationship between dreams and Psyche, Soul, Self, Shadow
•How dreams heal us
•Elements of dream interpretation

You will experience…
•Examples of actual dreams and how they provided valuable information and guidance
•Live “hands-on” dream work with your own dreams (no obligation to share yet this is past participants’ favorite part of the workshop!)
•Changing states of consciousness to engage your inner dream interpreter
•Expanded awareness of who and what You are

This Dream Meaning Workshop is for those who would like to learn how to interpret their own dreams and how dreams help us heal. We will also experience working with participants’ dreams so please bring your dream journal if you have one.

No prior dreamwork experience necessary.  Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended. (This is not a lucid dreaming workshop.)

No prerequisite is required. Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended.

Questions? Call me at 970-292-6820 or jon@jonmcintosh.com

Saturday Morning Healing Circle

Saturday Morning Healing Circle

“Your Healing Circle was amazing! To feel so deeply held and loved is beyond words. Thank you for this blessed and unexpected experience.” – Megan R.

“The single best Meetup experience I ever attended. Thanks to you and the others who were there.” – Joanne M.

“Thank you for offering the Healing Circle. I was hesitant to attend yet so glad that I did. It opened me in ways I had been seeking for a long time” – MaryAnn H.

Since space is limited, this event is open only to those who have not previously attended a Healing Circle. Thank you.

If you…

– are experiencing an unresolved mental, emotional or physical condition
– are seeking to initiate, sustain and support your deeper healing
– are willing to consider that the presence of your condition is an opportunity to a heal beyond just symptom removal, then please consider attending our Healing Circle.

Our gathering offers experiences of giving and receiving healing energies inducted through intentionality and the art of sacred touch. Group members will be guided to engage the Healing Presence by shifting from their ordinary states of consciousness to those resourced by the Divine. Those currently facing any health or emotional challenge, family members and friends are also welcome to attend. No experience necessary!

Sacred Touch shared from the Heart Center with its attributes of Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love. This is a bodyful experience which does not require any knowledge or experience with energy healing.

Questions? Call Jon McIntosh at 970-292-6820 or jon@jonmcintosh.com

No prerequisite is required. Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended. Please refrain from the use of perfumes or colognes as they may be distracting for other circle attendees.

Adventures in Consciousness: Mindfulness, Meditation and More!

Adventures in Consciousness

By giving your full attention to this moment, an intelligence far greater than the egoic mind enters your Life – Eckhart Tolle

It’s been a little less than a year since I attended your workshop and my life has deepened in ways I never imagined. You deeply touch people in ways I don’t think you realize. – Tanzina

Best short workshop ever! Thank you for offering this locally. – Jess R.

In just 2 hours, your mindfulness workshop opened me to more than my full-day workshop at a famous mindfulness training center in California, and at a fraction of the price. Thank you Jon. – Marjorie W.

Mindfulness meditation offers the opportunity of bringing attention to present experience, wondrously deepening those experiences and moving through the mind’s entanglements with past and future. A mindful approach, as initiated by mindfulness meditation practice, renovates and renews our day-to-day experiences and provides benefits which include stress and anxiety reduction and profound en-joy-ment.

Mindlessness meditation offers the opportunity of moving through all of the mind’s entanglements, of letting go of all that is noticed in order to connect with the deeper Self and Soul. Mindlessness meditation practice inducts us into a peace beyond all understanding, of the experience of essential Being.

We will explore both mindfulness and mindlessness meditation with both instruction and meditative experiences. We will also learn about Transcendental Meditation®, guided meditation, Vipassana Meditation, Sum Faht Meditation and Heart Center Meditation as originated by W. Brugh Joy, MD.

Questions? Call Jon McIntosh at 970-292-6820 or jon@jonmcintosh.com

The practice of entering any type of meditation supports changing states of consciousness, an essential skill in learning to disidentify from our problems and accompanying anxiety in order to connect more deeply.
Meditation helps us learn how to be profoundly receptive and in accord with all that is, to be set free from the control, criticism and judgment attributes of ego.

No prerequisite necessary. Beginning meditators and mindfulness practitioners encouraged to attend!

Healing From The Heart Center


“I’ve been searching to find a way through the pain and suffering, the disappointments and the losses. Your Heart Center workshop gave me a new way to see my life and how each and every life experience offers an opportunity for healing.” – Tricia K.

“Thank you for sharing this work. It truly is life renovating once we get past, as you say, our “filters of surface consciousness”. I am so grateful I met you.” – Vanessa N.

An awakened Heart Center is an essential component of authentic healing of body, mind, soul and spirit. The Heart Center is inclusive and integrative. It makes no comparisons, no judgments and requires no performance or competency. It is the ultimate expression of Unconditional Love and allows us to occupy our Soul in extraordinary ways. An awakened Heart Center is the doorway to our true Self.

•Learn how to more fully open your Heart Center and enter Presence, the real Power of Now
•Learn how an awakened Heart Center is essential for authentic healing to wholeness
•Learn about and experience Heart Center Meditation and its attributes of Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love
•Learn and experience how to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate Life’s most difficult physical, mental and emotional challenges

This approach to the Heart Center was originated by W. Brugh Joy MD, Mystic, Healer, Teacher and Author in the mid-1970’s. In my 20 years of work wth Brugh, we included an awakened Heart Center and Heart Center Meditation as a portal through the personal ego to direct connection with the Divine. From this place we are resourced to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate Life’s most difficult challenges.

In this workshop we will also learn and practice the Heart Center Meditation and commune with the feeling state experiences of each of the four attributes of the Heart Center…Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love and their individual meaning and expression in our lives.

We will have time to address individual health challenges, conflicts, blockages, etc. and how to engage and redeem them with a Heart Centered approach.

This workshop has been the initiation for many on the path of authentic healing of body, mind, sound and spirit. Come join us for this special opportunity to connect deeply with your Self and Soul!

Questions? Call Jon McIntosh at 970-292-6820 or jon@jonmcintosh.com

No prerequisite is required. Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended. Please refrain from the use of perfumes or colognes as they may be distracting for other attendees.

Self Healing for Mind/Body/Soul

Self Healing For Mind

“Your Self Healing workshop was the single BEST workshop I have ever attended! I was blown away by the depth and breadth of information presented” – Tricia K.

Distilled from more than 30 years of exploration we will present a wide range of approaches and experiences which help to initiate and support healing of mind, body and soul. This workshop is intended for those who…

• Are willing to challenge conventional beliefs about health and healing
• Are seeking alternative/complementary approaches to conflict, health challenges, illness, disease
• Wish to expand their consciousness and augment their journey of Self-Discovery
• Wish to explore deeper meaning in their lives

You will learn…

• How health challenges, disease, illness present the opportunity to authentically heal mind, body and soul
• How our state of consciousness informs our health and the depth and breadth of our life experience
• How our bodies often carry our unconscious material in the form of disease, conflict, crises, accidents, etc.
• How to connect and commune with soul as messenger of spirit
• How to evaluate the approaches which will aid your individual journey of Self-Discovery

Self-healing topics and approaches presented include…

• Meditation (Mindfulness, Mindlessness, Heart Center, Vipassana)
• Biofeedback (HeartMath)
• Brainwave Entrainment
• Energy Medicine/Psychology (Psy-K, EFT, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, Sacred Touch)
• Nourishment (food energy frequency, “diet”, supplementation)
• Body and Disease Symbology
• Dream Translation/Interpretation
• Archetypal Astrology (natal chart north node guidance)
• The Oracles (I Ching, Runes, Tarot)
• Soul Contracts
• Entheogens (substances that induce spiritual experience)
• Soul work and shifting/expanding states of consciousness
• Channeled guidance / Psychic material and the importance of grounding

– You may wish to bring a notebook!
– No audio recording permitted

– This workshop does not represent or endorse any particular religious affiliation
– No items, devices or supplements are being marketed or sold in which I have any financial interest whatsoever

Relationships and Healing – Integrating Mind/Body/Soul/Spirit


“Thank you for teaching me things about relationship that I was completely unaware of (and I am a practicing couples’ counselor!)” – J.L.

“Just amazing!  You have helped me improve my life beyond measure.” – Lucy W.

“My wife and my daughter wish to thank you.  They thought I was beyond help! – James M.

Relationships and their challenges are grounded in the internal relationship between male and female aspects of psyche and soul and play out in waking state reality. Understanding how the male basic self, female basic self, animus and anima relate to one another and expanding our awareness of these aspects through shifting states of consciousness is essential to healing. This internal harmony is then reflected in our external relationships as we experience a more natural balance, compatibility and attractiveness that powerfully transcends the outer physical form.

You will learn…

• Aspects of Psyche (archetype) of the internal masculine (animus) and the internal feminine (anima) and how they inform our relationships with friends, co-workers, lovers, spouse
• Aspects of Soul in the form of Male Basic Self, Female Basic Self and Mental Judge Self and how they inform our relationships with friends, co-workers, lovers, spouse
• The levels of growth and development, expression and integration of these aspects
• How projection of our own unconscious material onto the “other” sets the stage for discontent, conflict and pain yet also provides opportunity for resolution and expanded awareness
• How we treat our inner selves is reflected in how we experience relationship
• How to expand and shift your states of consciousness to move past wounding, reactivity, victim consciousness
• How dreams provide us relationship guidance
• How binary thinking (right and wrong, good, and bad, should and shouldn’t) can be a relationship killer
• How Unconditional Love and an initiated Heart Center can engage, embrace and harmonize the most challenging aspects of any relationship
• How the ego’s agents of comparison, criticism and judgment reflect unconscious and unresolved material within
• How image management veils unconscious fears
• How to know when a relationship no longer serves
• How knowing yourself more fully makes you a better partner

You will also experience…
• Real life examples of relationship transformation
• A guided meditation which initiates and expands awareness and integration of your internal masculine and feminine energies
• A question and answer period to address individual concerns and circumstances

– No prerequisite necessary
– This workshop does not represent, require or endorse or exclude any particular religious affiliation
– No items, devices or supplements are being marketed or sold in which I have any financial interest whatsoever

Tranquil Wellness Center is located on the second floor of the Crystal Gardens Office Building which is just west (behind) the Red Lobster Restaurant. Enter the easternmost entrance of office building via the outside staircase by Nails 2000 and the bookstore. Follow the hallway to the right to the conference room. There will be signs to guide you.

Dreams – The Language of Our Soul


“Jon’s Dream Workshop was amazing. I learned more than any of the dream books I had read. Highly recommended!” – Janelle W.

“Wow. What an awesome experience of connecting with my Soul. I had no idea dreams carried so much valuable information” – Marianne D.

The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends. – Carl Jung, MD

Dreams are a privileged unveiling of our unconscious Self and the language of our Soul as messenger of Spirit. Discover the meaning in this language and learn how dreams serve to balance and heal relationships, personal and work problems and health challenges and more.

You will learn…
•Why we dream and how dreams serve us
•The relationship between dreams and Psyche, Soul, Self, Shadow
•How dreams heal us
•Elements of dream interpretation

You will experience…
•Examples of actual dreams and how they provided valuable information and guidance
•Live “hands-on” dream work with your own dreams (no obligation to share yet this is past participants’ favorite part of the workshop!)
•Changing states of consciousness to engage your inner dream interpreter
•Expanded awareness of who and what You are

This Dream Meaning Workshop is for those who would like to learn how to interpret their own dreams and how dreams help us heal. We will also experience working with participants’ dreams so please bring your dream journal if you have one.

No prior dreamwork experience necessary.  Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended. (This is not a lucid dreaming workshop.)

Questions? Call me at 970-292-6820 or jon@jonmcintosh.com

No prerequisite is required. Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended. Please refrain from the use of perfumes or colognes as they may be distracting for other circle attendees

Tranquil Wellness Center is located on the second floor of the Crystal Gardens Office Building which is just west (behind) the Red Lobster Restaurant. Enter the easternmost entrance of office building via the outside staircase by Nails 2000 and the bookstore. Follow the hallway to the right to the conference room. There will be signs to guide you.

Questions? Call me at 970-292-6820 or jon@jonmcintosh.com

In Touch With Your Soul ONE-DAY Workshops…

Astrology and Your Soul

This one-day workshop introduces us to how astrology, as a projection of our soul’s sacred geometry, reflects our soul patterning and life experiences.  

Considering our lives as theater, we will learn about planets as actors, as archetypes that move through our lives in various costumes (astrological signs) and how they influence our lives depending on which stage (house) they are present.

We will present the significance of the placement of the North Node of the Moon as representation for the work our soul requests we engage in this lifetime as well as how where we live on earth informs our life experiences aka astrocartography/locational astrology).

And of fundamental significance, we will look at the relationships of all of our planets with special attention on Mars (Masculine) and Venus (Feminine) and their association with Jung’s concept of the Animus (Masculine) and Anima (Feminine) and the Male Basic Self and Female Basic Self approach developed by Harvey Grady.

Relatedness and relationship are fundamental to the reason we are embodied on earth.  Calling upon our personal challenges with all forms of relationship and their associated planetary influences we will share and explore practical understanding and approaches that will assist us in a more conscious engagement with the experience of relationship in our lives.

Dream Work and Your Soul

This one-day workshop introduces us to translating our own dreams as the theater in which our psyche provides guidance from our soul.

Dreams are a privileged unveiling of our unconscious and their symbolic language can be learned and understood as we further open to and embrace our intuitive nature.  We are blessed that dreams are outside of control of our ego/will and therefore provide uncensored insight to who and what we are at a deeper level.

We will learn about symbols, compensation, amplification and transference as well as subjective and objective levels and personal association.  Effective dream work is not so much about concrete dream symbol interpretation as it is about the relationship with the underlying pattern the soul is engaged with at the time of the dream.

We will dive into learning about both personal and collective dreams by calling upon the dreams of workshop participants and offering practical waking state guidance.

Sound Healing and Your Soul

This one-day workshop introduces us to how vibrational frequency influences matter and provides the opportunity for healing by the effect of energy on states of consciousness and substance.

Fundamentally, each of us is a precipitate (solid appearing form) of energy and we need only to look at the field of cymatics to see how energy frequency affects matter.  

We will dive into a wide range of topics about sound healing including how and why music moves us, along with various demonstrations.  We will look at the natural frequencies of the human body and how they can be affected by health challenges. 

This is a fun, informative, experiential workshop which is guaranteed to leave you moved emotionally and physically by the end of the day!

Shadow Work and Your Soul

Our shadow represents the repressed layer of the personal unconscious.  All that we deny, fear, or dislike/hate in ourselves (and others!) collects in the shadow and manifests in relationship issues, dreams, accidents, crises and health challenges.

There is no wholeness of being without doing shadow work.  Yet it is one of the most difficult journeys to undertake because our ego is relentless in its desire to maintain its position of power in our lives (at the substantial cost of alienation from our soul).

Shadow work requires courage as we come face-to-face with the less ego enhancing attributes of ourselves and provides a path for transformation.

The only way I know to integrate the shadow over time is through an intentional, active and living relationship with the Heart Center and its attributes of Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love.

All of our most difficult struggles and traumas can be redeemed through a Heart-Centered conscious approach to our lives.  We can transcend all of our woundings and live a life free from the jail of our own making.

In Touch With Your Soul WEEKEND Workshop
Deepening Your Connection to the Life You Are Meant to Live

The In Touch With Your Soul Weekend Experience has been created from more than 30 years of study and our personal journeys of soulful Self Discovery.  This experience will initiate a life renewal through an opening to your soul and deeper aspects of yourself no matter where your are at in life.  You will learn wisdom to induct, guide and sustain your personal transformative process.  You will experience connection to your soul and unconscious parts of Self through practices, tools, dreamwork, ritual, self-reflection, guided imagery and creative expression.  Most of all, you will learn and experience how to nurture your own ongoing healing of body, mind, soul and spirit. 

No matter where you are in your life journey this weekend experience will support you in taking your next steps

Healing Circle – Special Edition

Healing Circle

This Special Edition of the Healing Circle is being offered exclusively for those who have not previously attended our Healing Circle AND who are facing a significant health (physical or emotional) challenge.

Only 5 spaces are being made available as we focus our intention on both initiating a change of state of consciousness (essential to healing) and experiencing hands-on energy healing in the form of Sacred Touch.

Our last regular Healing Circle had several more participants than RSVP’s so please RSVP soon if you want to reserve your space.

Our bodies often carry unconscious energies in the form of disease and other challenges to our well-being. We can treat the symptoms all we want (like trying to turn off an uncooperative smoke alarm) but until we address the deeper material (the fire) we miss the opportunity for authentic healing.

We will experience Sacred Touch shared from the Heart Center with its attributes of Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love. This is a bodyful experience which does not require any knowledge or experience with energy healing. Group members will be guided to engage the Healing Presence by shifting from their ordinary states of consciousness to those resourced by the Divine. No experience necessary.

No prerequisite is required. Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended. Please refrain from the use of perfumes or colognes as they may be distracting for other circle attendees.

The Healing Circle is not intended to be a substitute for the diagnosis or treatment any medical or psychological condition whatsoever.

Healing from the Heart Center – Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit

“I’ve been searching to find a way through the pain and suffering, the disappointments and the losses. Your Heart Center workshop gave me a new way to see my life and how each and every experience offers an opportunity for healing.” – Tricia K.

“Thank you for sharing this work. It truly is life renovating once we get past, as you say, our “filters of surface consciousness”. I am so grateful I met you.” – Vanessa N.

An awakened Heart Center is an essential component of authentic healing of body, mind, soul and spirit. The Heart Center is inclusive and integrative. It makes no comparisons, no judgments and requires no performance or competency. It is the ultimate expression of Unconditional Love and allows us to occupy our Soul in extraordinary ways. An awakened Heart Center is the doorway to our true Self.

The Heart Center is the Ultimate Healer…
•Learn how to more fully open your Heart Center and enter Presence, the real Power of Now
•Learn how an awakened Heart Center is essential for authentic healing to wholeness
•Learn about and experience Heart Center Meditation and its attributes of Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love
•Learn and experience how to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate Life’s most difficult challenges

No prerequisite necessary.

This approach to the Heart Center was originated by W. Brugh Joy MD, Mystic, Healer, Teacher and Author in the mid-1970’s. In my 20 years of work wth Brugh, we included an awakened Heart Center and Heart Center Meditation as a portal through the personal ego to direct connection with the Divine. From this place we are resourced to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate Life’s most difficult challenges.

In this workshop we will also learn and practice the Heart Center Meditation and commune with the feeling state experiences of each of the four attributes of the Heart Center…Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love and their individual meaning and expression in our lives.

We will have time to address individual health challenges, conflicts, blockages, etc. and how to engage and redeem them with a Heart Centered approach.

This workshop has been the initiation for many on the path of authentic healing of body, mind, sound and spirit. Come join us for this special opportunity to connect deeply with your Self and Soul!

Questions to Jon McIntosh at jon@jonmcintosh.com or 970.292.6820.

Dreams – The Language of Your Soul


“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung MD

“Jon’s Dream Workshop was amazing. I learned more in 2 hours than any of the dream books I had read. Highly recommended!” – Janelle W.

“Wow. What an awesome experience of connecting with my Soul. I had no idea dreams carried so much valuable information” – Marianne D.

Dreams are a privileged unveiling of your unconscious and the language of your Soul as messenger of Spirit. Discover the meaning in this language and learn how dreams serve to balance and heal relationships, personal and work problems and health challenges.

You will learn…
•Why we dream and how dreams serve us
•The relationship between dreams and Psyche, Soul, Self, Shadow
•How dreams heal us
•Elements of dream interpretation

You will experience…
•Live “hands-on” dream work with your own dreams (no obligation to share yet participants’ favorite part of the workshop!)
•Changing states of consciousness to engage your inner dream interpreter
•Expanded awareness of who and what You are

This Dream Meaning Workshop is for those who would like to learn how to interpret their own dreams and how dreams help us heal. We will also experience working with participants’ dreams so please bring your dream journal if you have one.

No prior dreamwork experience necessary. Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended. (This is not a lucid dreaming workshop.)

Questions? Call me at 970-292-6820 or jon@jonmcintosh.com

Mindfulness Meditation (and More!) Workshop

Mindfullness Meditation

By giving your full attention to this moment, an intelligence far greater than the egoic mind enters your Life – Eckhart Tolle

No prerequisite necessary. Beginning meditators encouraged to attend!

Mindfulness meditation offers the opportunity of bringing attention to present experience, wondrously deepening those experiences and moving through the mind’s entanglements with past and future. A mindful approach, as initiated by mindfulness meditation practice, renovates and renews our day-to-day experiences and provides benefits which include stress and anxiety reduction and profound en-joy-ment.

Mindlessness meditation offers the opportunity of moving through all of the mind’s entanglements, of letting go of all that is noticed in order to connect with the deeper Self and Soul. Mindlessness meditation practice inducts us into a peace beyond all understanding, of the experience of essential Being.

We will explore both mindfulness and mindlessness meditation with both instruction and meditative experiences. We will also learn about Transcendental Meditation®, guided meditation, Vipassana Meditation, Sum Faht Meditation and Heart Center Meditation as originated by W. Brugh Joy, MD.


The practice of entering any type of meditation supports changing states of consciousness, an essential skill in learning to disidentify from our problems and  accompanying anxiety in order to connect more deeply.


Meditation helps us learn how to be profoundly receptive and in accord with all that is, to be set free from the control, criticism and judgment attributes of ego.

Saturday Morning Healing Circle

Healing Circle

“Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain” – Carl Jung

(Our last Healing Circle was again wait-listed so please RSVP soon if you want to attend)

This gathering offers experiences of giving and receiving healing energies inducted through intentionality and the art of sacred touch.  Group members will be guided to engage the Healing Presence by shifting from their ordinary states of consciousness to those resourced by the Divine.

Those currently facing a health or emotional challenge, family members and friends are also welcome to attend.  No experience necessary!

No prerequisite is required.  Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended.  Please refrain from the use of perfumes or colognes as they may be distracting for other circle attendees.

Self Healing II – Soul & Spirit

Self Healing

This two-hour workshop focuses on soul and spirit for self-healing.

Our embodied life on this earth is how our soul, as messenger of spirit, is provided the opportunity to evolve through experiences which include conflict and crises, accidents, disease, relationship struggles and pain and suffering. We may hear and even agree that “it’s not what happens to us, it’s how we respond to what happens” yet often it is not clear how to respond in an expanded or new way, a way in which things really change, really get better.

Distilled from more than 30 years of exploration a breadth of approaches and experiences which help to initiate and support healing of mind, body and soul will be presented. This workshop is intended for those who…

• Are willing to challenge conventional beliefs about health and healing
• Are seeking alternative/complementary approaches to conflict, health challenges, illness, disease
• Wish to expand their consciousness and augment their journey of Self-Discovery
• Wish to explore deeper meaning in their lives and find an answer to questions such as…

• Why am I here? What is my purpose?
• Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?
• How do I find meaning in Life?

You will learn…
• How health challenges, disease, illness present the opportunity to authentically heal mind, body and soul
• How our state of consciousness informs our health and the depth and breadth of our life experience
• How our bodies often carry our unconscious material in the form of disease, conflict, crises, accidents, etc.
• How to connect and commune with soul as messenger of spirit
• How to evaluate the approaches which will aid your individual journey of Self-Discovery and authentic health

Self-healing topics and approaches presented include…

• Soul Contracts (a template was made before we were born!)
• Dream Translation/Interpretation (to unveil messages from the soul)
• Entheogens (substances that induce spiritual experience)
• Soul work and shifting/expanding states of consciousness (the hows and whys)
• Channeled guidance / Psychic material (and the importance of grounding this guidance)

Please join us for this depression dive into soul and spirit.
Questions to jon@jonmcintosh.com or 970.292.6820

– This workshop does not represent or endorse any particular religious affiliation
– No items, devices or supplements are being marketed or sold in which I have any financial interest whatsoever

Heart Center Meditation Workshop


An awakened Heart Center an essential component of authentic healing of body, mind, soul and spirit.  The Heart Center is inclusive and integrative.  It makes no comparisons, no judgments and requires no performance or competency.  It is the ultimate expression of Unconditional Love and allows us to occupy our Soul in extraordinary ways.  Heart Center Meditation is the doorway to our true Self.

The Heart Center is the Ultimate Healer…
•Learn how to more fully open your Heart Center and enter Presence, the real Power of Now
•Learn how an awakened Heart Center is essential for authentic healing to wholeness
•Learn about and experience Heart Center Meditation and its attributes of Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love
•Learn and experience how to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate Life’s most difficult challenges
…and Heart Center Meditation is your passport!

No prerequisite necessary.  Beginning meditators encouraged to attend.

The Heart Center Meditation was originated by W. Brugh Joy, MD, Mystic, Healer, Teacher and Author in the mid-1970’s. In my 20 years of work wth Brugh, group work included the Heart Center Meditation as a portal through the personal ego to direct connection with the Divine. From this place we are resourced to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate Life’s most difficult challenges.

In this workshop we will learn and practice the Heart Center Meditation and commune with the feeling state experiences of each of the four attributes of the Heart Center…Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love and their individual meaning and expression in our lives.

We will have time to address individual challenges, conflicts, blockages, etc. and how to engage and redeem them with a Heart Centered approach.

The Heart Center is inclusive and integrative and this profound capacity is developed through Heart Center Meditation. An awakened Heart Center is essential for authentic healing to wholeness, embracing the light and the dark from the root chakra to the crown chakra and beyond.

I LOVE this workshop as it has been the initiation for many who have began the path of authentic healing of body, mind, sound and spirit.

Come join us for this very special opportunity to connect deeply with your Self!

Birthing the Life You Are Meant to Live in 2018!

Birthing The Life

Open to 2018 as the year of reconnection to your larger Self and Soul!

No matter our age, many of us live our lives in containers which were shaped before we had much opportunity for conscious awareness. We defined ourselves by who and what were not like, not by who and what we are. We conformed to the expectations of others…parents, siblings, teachers, bosses, friends, lovers, spouses. We learned to never upset the apple cart too much or there was a price to pay. We made “deals” to be loved and sometimes, just to survive.

The earlier training which helped form our sense of self swims deep within and informs our lives in both subtle and spectacular ways. For us to break free from this containment requires that we learn to shift our state of consciousness and leave behind that which may no longer serve us.

You Will Learn…

-how to identify Self-limiting thought forms, beliefs, feelings and stories
-how to transform thought forms, beliefs, feelings and stories
-how to set yourself free to become more of who and what you are
-how to value and redeem everything that has happened to you in your life (and I mean everything)
-what you soul seeks from you in this lifetime
-simple rituals to call forth energies to initiate, support and sustain your expanded Self.
-why affirmations and resolutions often fail
-how change through deprivation of parts of self rarely succeeds and why
-how to enter 2018 with a sense of renewed joy and re-birth!

Come join us for some end of year fun as we explore your Life 2.0!

No prerequisite is required.

Sex and Power – When (Good) People Do Bad Things

The recent news events uncovering conduct labelled from “inappropriate behavior” to “sexual predation” sets the stage for a profound opportunity for healing (wholeness) of the individual and the collective…yet there is no guarantee of this healing.  Unless we are also able to acknowledge and understand that the perpetrator/victim state of consciousness is but one step on the journey we often become distracted by the public outing of the accused while missing the teachings made available by the processes which underlie these revelations.

Over recent decades we have witnessed many events which continue to collapse domains where masculine power is often inflated and sometimes misused…especially law and medicine.  There appears to be a collective intention stirring which seeks a more natural balance of Masculine and Feminine energies.  Consistent with this intention we will explore approaches which support and enhance the expansion of our individual and collective awareness.

Topics include…
-when power serves as a compensation for inadequacy
-sex and power and how they are overtly and subtly conflated
-projection as unconscious identification with disowned aspects of Self
-how these woundings serve both wound deliverer and wound receiver
-how these woundings provide opportunities for healing

This workshop will include a discussion of how use of power has manifest in our own experiences.

This workshop is not offered as an academic or psychologically sophisticated approach to this material.  Rather we are looking to explore our own individual consciousness and the relationship of the collective consciousness to this matter in the context of the ultimate healer, Unconditional Love.

Mindfulness Meditation (and More!) Workshop

Adventures in Consciousness

By giving your full attention to this moment, an intelligence far greater than the egoic mind enters your Life – Eckhart Tolle

No prerequisite necessary. Beginning meditators encouraged to attend!

Mindfulness meditation offers the opportunity of bringing attention to present experience, wondrously deepening those experiences and moving through the mind’s entanglements with past and future. A mindful approach, as initiated by mindfulness meditation practice, renovates and renews our day-to-day experiences and provides benefits which include stress and anxiety reduction and profound en-joy-ment.

Mindlessness meditation offers the opportunity of moving through all of the mind’s entanglements, of letting go of all that is noticed in order to connect with the deeper Self and Soul. Mindlessness meditation practice inducts us into a peace beyond all understanding, of the experience of essential Being.

We will explore both mindfulness and mindlessness meditation with both instruction and meditative experiences. We will also touch upon guided meditation, Vipassana meditation and Heart-Centered meditation as originated by W. Brugh Joy, MD.


The practice of entering any type of meditation supports changing states of consciousness, an essential skill in learning to disidentify from our problems and  accompanying anxiety in order to connect more deeply.


Meditation helps us learn how to be profoundly receptive and in accord with all that is, to be set free from the control, criticism and judgment attributes of ego.

When:  Saturday, December 2, 2017 from 9:00am to 11:00am

Where: OneSource Holistic Healing Center, 116 E. Drake Road (northwest corner of E. Drake and Harvard Street)  Click here for directions.

Workshop fee: $30.00  Credit/debit card, check or cash.

Please click here to register or contact Jon McIntosh at jon@jonmcintosh.com or 970.292.6820.

No prerequisite necessary. Beginning meditators encouraged to attend.

Self Healing of Body/Mind/Soul (v1.0)

“Whatever is rejected from the Self, appears in the world as an event.” – Carl Jung MD
(…and those events we experience as accidents, crises, disease, illness, etc.)

This two-hour workshop is packed with information and guidance for self-healing. Distilled from more than 30 years of exploration we will present a wide range of approaches and experiences which help to initiate and support healing of mind, body and soul. This workshop is intended for those who…

• Are willing to challenge conventional beliefs about health and healing
• Are seeking alternative/complementary approaches to conflict, health challenges, illness, disease
• Wish to expand their consciousness and augment their journey of Self-Discovery
• Wish to explore deeper meaning in their lives

You will learn…
• How health challenges, disease, illness present the opportunity to authentically heal mind, body and soul
• How our state of consciousness informs our health and the depth and breadth of our life experience
• How our bodies often carry our unconscious material in the form of disease, conflict, crises, accidents, etc.
• How to connect and commune with soul as messenger of spirit
• How to evaluate the approaches which aid your individual journey of Self-Discovery and authentic health

Self-healing topics and approaches presented include…
• Meditation
• Biofeedback (HeartMath)
• Brainwave Entrainment
• Energy Medicine/Psychology (Psy-K, EFT, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, Sacred Touch)
• Nourishment (food energy frequency, “diet”, supplementation)
• Body and Disease Symbology
• Dream Translation/Interpretation
• Archetypal Astrology (natal chart north node guidance)
• The Oracles (I Ching, Runes, Tarot)
• Soul Contracts
• Entheogens (substances that induce spiritual experience)
• Soul work and shifting/expanding states of consciousness
• Channeled guidance / Psychic material and the importance of grounding

This could easily be a multi-day workshop yet I am feeling called to present this material in this format as an introduction, as way to offer many doorways to those seeking expanded consciousness and healing.  As future demand presents I will offer more in-depth workshops in the coming months so let me know what you want to learn about!

– A curated bibliography of online and printed resources presented will be provided
– Though handouts for some of the material will be available you may wish to bring a notebook
– Individual audio recording of this workshop is for the private and individual use of the workshop participant only and is not to be used for any commercial purpose whatsoever

– This workshop does not represent, endorse or oppose any religious affiliation or belief system
– No items, devices or supplements are marketed or sold in which I/we have any financial interest

The Healing Power of Illness (and How Our Bodies Carry Our Shadow)

“I understand and appreciate that you were expertly trained in mopping but let’s find someone who knows how to turn the faucet off!”

Disease and illness, crises, injury and emotional trauma represent much more than just their medical, physiological and psychological components.  Yet almost all of our attention and resources are poured into treatment (removal of symptoms) with little or no exploration of how illness and other crises serve the unfoldment of our Soul.

Back in the 80’s, Bernie Siegel MD wrote about patients who said that cancer was the best thing to ever happen to them.  They learned to engage cancer as a message, not something to fight.  It is in our unconscious nature to seek ego empowerment in the face of profound powerlessness and vulnerability yet that is one of the profound lessons offered by the Soul when we are faced with such a challenge.

These challenges are symbols of unconscious processes which seek our attention, acknowledgement and integration.  Karol Truman describes feelings buried alive which never die.  To appreciate these opportunities, with their accompanying pain and suffering, we must open the aperture of our consciousness and look deeply into our lives.  Join me as we journey into our authentic selves and explore the healing power of illness.

This meeting will include a confidential sharing of the challenges we are facing, a consideration of their deeper meaning, and an understanding of how they serve each of us.  I will share my own journey concerning prostate cancer.

For those who RSVP, in the week before this event please ask for a dream which addresses your deeper healing and bring that with you.  We also use dreams as a language of the soul and if there is time, we will explore the guidance they offer.

Your Dreams are Your Soul Speaking to You!

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung MD

Dreams are a privileged unveiling of your unconscious and the language of your Soul as messenger of Spirit.  Discover the meaning in this language and learn how dreams serve to balance and heal relationships, personal and work problems and health challenges.

You will learn…

•Why we dream and how dreams serve us

•The relationship between dreams and Psyche, Soul, Self, Shadow

•How dreams heal us

•Elements of dream interpretation

You will experience…

•Live “hands-on” dream work with your own dreams! (no obligation to share yet participants’ favorite part of the workshop!)

•Changing states of consciousness to engage your inner dream interpreter

•Expanded awareness of who and what You are

This Dream Meaning Workshop is for those who would like to learn how to interpret their own dreams and how dreams help us heal.  We will also experience working with participants’ dreams.  No prior dreamwork experience necessary.

No sessions currently scheduled.

Adventures in Consciousness – Living Your Soul’s Purpose

Let’s journey together into a deeper understanding of Life and how our personal challenges and woundings provide opportunities for profound transformation and living your soul’s purpose.

We will learn how aspects of personal defenses, acute and chronic illness, accidents, instinctual energies, job challenges and loss, personal problems and relationship challenges serve the unfoldment of our souls and provide opportunities for authentic healing.

We will explore Heart Center meditation, biofeedback, intuitive guidance, oracles (Tarot, I Ching) and shifting states of consciousness to gain perspective and understanding.

We will introduce the four attributes of the Heart Center as an essential gateway into engaging deeper material, dreamwork as a privileged unveiling of the psyche, shadow work as necessary for the path to wholeness and humor as a way to enjoy all of it!

No sessions currently scheduled.

Calm in the Midst of Chaos-A Heart Centered Approach to Life and Living

Living from The Heart Center is the Ultimate Healer… 

•Learn how to more fully open your Heart Center and enter Presence, the real Power of Now
•Learn how an awakened Heart Center is essential for authentic healing to wholeness
•Learn about and experience Heart Center Meditation and its attributes of Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love
•Learn and experience how to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate Life’s most difficult challenges from the Heart Center

…and Heart Center Meditation is your passport!

An awakened Heart Center an essential component of authentic healing of body, mind, soul and spirit.  The Heart Center is inclusive and integrative.  It makes no comparisons, no judgments and requires no performance or competency.  It is the ultimate expression of Unconditional Love and allows us to occupy our Soul in extraordinary ways.  Heart Center Meditation is a doorway to our true Self.

The Heart Center Meditation was originated by W. Brugh Joy MD, Mystic, Healer, Teacher and Author in the mid-1970’s. In my 20 years of work wth Brugh, we practiced Heart Center Meditation as a portal through the personal ego to direct connection with the Divine. From this place we are resourced to engage, navigate, redeem and celebrate Life’s most difficult challenges…and I mean every challenge, conflict and crisis.

In this workshop we will learn and practice the Heart Center Meditation and commune with the feeling state experiences of each of the four attributes of the Heart Center…Compassion, Healing Presence, Innate Harmony and Unconditional Love and their individual meaning and expression in our lives.

We will have time to work with the Heart Centered approach to individual life challenges (health, relationship, etc.) to provide participants with practical guidance and consideration of how our lives serve the unfoldment of our souls. What we discuss at this Meetup stays at this Meetup.  Honoring confidentiality is essential to this sacred container for healing.

Come join us for this special opportunity to connect deeply!

When:  No sessions currently scheduled.

Dreamwork: The Healing Laboratory

Expanding upon my November 10th presentation to this Loveland Meetup Group on “Dreamwork: Its Relationship to Healing and Wellness” after a brief review we’re going to dive into actual dream interpretation as a doorway to the opportunity for profound healing.

Let’s consider/remember that our wondrous body is actually a “speaker system” for our Soul, a living movie screen which collects and reflects our Soul’s expression. Accidents, crises, illnesses…all those things which the ego believes should not have happened or should not be happening are actually profound opportunities for much deeper healing if we can engage, honor and redeem the transpersonal forces which they reflect. Only a privileged few of us ever learn how these life challenges serve our Soul’s unfoldment.

Dreams give us both valuable clues and provide healing. As our psyches seek a healing balance they present patterns of energy using symbol. To the extent we develop the relationship to our deeper selves through dreamwork we come to know more of who and what we are, an essential step in healing to wholeness.

Between now and our meetup on February 9th, each night before bed, set the intention for a healing dream to be remembered in the morning. Have pen and paper or your phone (to record) ready and waiting. Bring that dream or those dreams to our Meetup session and consider sharing. Jon will call upon the dream interpreter within and offer whatever guidance may be available along with offerings from participants.

When:  No sessions currently scheduled.

Saturday Morning Healing Circle

“Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain” – Carl Jung

Testimonial from our last Healing Circle…”Easily one of the most valuable meetups I have been to…Grateful to have people like Jon and Mary …”

This gathering offers experiences of giving and receiving healing energies inducted through intentionality and the art of sacred touch.  Group members will be guided to engage the Healing Presence by shifting from their ordinary states of consciousness to those resourced by the Divine.

Those currently facing a health or emotional challenge, family members and friends are also welcome to attend.  No experience necessary!

When:  Coming soon!

Where: New Thought Northern Colorado Center for Spiritual Living, 5628 McWhinney Blvd., Loveland CO  80538 (in the Loveland Outlet Center just south of the Bose Factory Store)  Click here for directions.

Fee:  Donation appreciated ($10.00 suggested)

Questions and RSVP please to Mary Rust at 970-541-1625 or Jon McIntosh at 970-292-6820 or via email with date of attendance and number of people attending.  Or check out our Consciousness, Dreamwork and Healing Meetup group to join and RSVP there.  Meetup group membership not required to attend.  Prior attendees welcome!

No prerequisite is required.  Comfortable clothing and an open heart recommended.  Please refrain from the use of perfumes or colognes as they may be distracting for other circle attendees.

Mindfulness and Mindlessness Meditation Workshop

By giving your full attention to this moment, an intelligence far greater than the egoic mind enters your Life – Eckhart Tolle

No prerequisite necessary. Beginning meditators encouraged to attend!

Mindfulness meditation offers the opportunity of bringing attention to present experience, wondrously deepening those experiences and moving through the mind’s entanglements with past and future. A mindful approach, as initiated by mindfulness meditation practice, renovates and renews our day-to-day experiences and provides benefits which include stress and anxiety reduction and profound en-joy-ment.

Mindlessness meditation offers the opportunity of moving through all of the mind’s entanglements, of letting go of all that is noticed in order to connect with the deeper Self and Soul. Mindlessness meditation practice inducts us into a peace beyond all understanding, of the experience of essential Being.

We will explore both mindfulness and mindlessness meditation with both instruction and meditative experiences. We will also touch upon guided meditation, Vipassana mediation and Heart-Centered meditation as originated by W. Brugh Joy, MD.

The practice of entering any type of meditation supports changing states of consciousness, an essential skill in learning to disidentify from our problems and worries and to connect more deeply.

Meditation helps us learn how to be profoundly receptive and in accord with all that is, to be set free. No resistance.

When:  No sessions currently scheduled.

Adventures in Consciousness – Living Your Soul’s Purpose

Let’s journey together into a deeper understanding of Life and how our personal challenges and woundings provide opportunities for profound transformation and living your soul’s purpose.

We will learn how aspects of personal defenses, acute and chronic illness, accidents, instinctual energies, job challenges and loss, personal problems and relationship challenges serve the unfoldment of our souls and provide opportunities for authentic healing.

We will explore meditation, biofeedback, intuitive guidance, oracles and shifting states of consciousness to gain perspective and understanding.

We will introduce the four attributes of the Heart Center as an essential gateway into engaging deeper material, dreamwork as a privileged unveiling of the psyche, shadow work as necessary for the path to wholeness and humor as a way to enjoy all of it!

When:  No sessions currently scheduled.

Harnessing the Power of Placebo (or How to Heal Yourself from the Inside Out)

Depression, knee pain, cancer and many other conditions have been healed by placebos.  What is going on here?  How can this be true?

A key to the “effectiveness” of placebos is understanding the beliefs and state of consciousness of the placebo recipients.  Join me as we discuss how we can use the power of the placebo effect for our own healing and the healing of others.

When:  No sessions currently scheduled.

Open Heart Night (an Open House for Our Hearts)

Bring your pains, sufferings, losses, sins, difficult behaviors and other burdens as I guide a journey of understanding of their service to our soul’s growth.  Through acknowledgement and validation, understanding and meaning of our diverse and oftentimes difficult paths we will induct the resources of the Heart Center – compassion, healing presence, innate harmony, unconditional love – in support of our transformative processes.

Everyone carries a Shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.” – Carl Jung

When:  No sessions currently scheduled.

The Meaning of Illness (or Why is This Happening to Me?)

Disease and illness, crises, injury and emotional trauma represent much more than just their medical and psychological components.  Yet almost all of our attention and resources are poured into treatment with little or no exploration of how illness and other crises serve our development.

These challenges are symbols of unconscious processes which seek our attention, acknowledgement and integration.  To appreciate these opportunities, with their accompanying pain and suffering, we must open the aperture of our consciousness and look deeply into our lives.  Join me as we journey into our authentic selves.

This meeting will be a confidential sharing of the challenges we are facing, a consideration of their deeper meaning, and an understanding of how they serve each of us.  You will come away with an appreciation that Life is providing exactly what you need! (though likely not what you want)

When:  No sessions currently scheduled.

Healing Chronic Disease – A One-Night Free Class

“With manifestation of disease the body is reflecting to us that which we are not carrying consciously” – W. Brugh Joy, MD, Teacher, Healer and Author

Those of us with chronic health challenges do our best to cope with taking care of ourselves while attending to our relationship and work responsibilities.  Often we have little energy remaining at the end of the day to consider the underlying meaning of our disease or illness and that there may be an opportunity for profound healing beyond traditional medical and alternative/complementary treatment.

Yet some of us are learning that authentic healing comes from looking deeply inside through consciousness work, dreamwork and body/disease symbology and that there is hope to heal ourselves to wholeness.

When:  No sessions currently scheduled.
